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Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Teletubbies always scared me. And now I know why.

posted by Sonja at 12:45 PM

Lately I have gotten into a rut of listening to old movie songs by SInatra nad Astaire and Hepburn and such. There's the occasional love song like "Something Stupid" [Nicole Kidman] or, more recently, the soundtrack from Buffy. But it bothers me because I haven't been listening to the rock that I know I love. Somehow I let it lapse when there was too much I didn't like and oldies were so much more reliable.

So I spent my lunch listening Ronnie James Dio at top volume and reading an old Grisham. And the music didn't stop there, oh my goodness no. I played other really loud brittish stuff while I danced around the kitchen loading and unloading the dishasher. I bounced around and had loads of silly-looking fun.

And I found another new group that rocks the stones. "Hepburn" is some kind of import band from who knows where. But their song "I Quit" is wicked.

But I've been totally cheating on my musical diet with the Buffy musical soundtrack. I can't help it. It was on TV a bit ago and it has been in my head ever since. Tabula Rasa is still my favourite episode though. It's worth it to hear Spike discover his name is "Randy".

And... other stuff. I'm tired and my kitty Callie is sick. Pobre sweetie.
posted by Sonja at 1:59 AM

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Sonya/Female/16-20. Lives in United States/California/Duarte/Valley View, speaks English and Greek. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes Writing/Sidestreet Music.
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United States, California, Duarte, Valley View, English, Greek, Sonya, Female, 16-20, Writing, Sidestreet Music.

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Eyes open- Dreams close. They dress- and leave themselves behind. Step out into the day- but try to escape the sun. Read books on being their own person- from inside one cubicle out of hundreds. Say ''I think''- yet spout only popular opinion. Take the same freeway witha thousand other cars- and call it a shortcut. Microwave dinner from a TV tray- in a dish it's a home cooked meal. They sit in bed and wonder why no one knows them for who they really are.