Who are you?

Friday, October 10, 2003

I woke up late feeling bleh.
Badly bleh.

I watched the history channel and felt more bleh.

I checked my email, and 1:27am made me happy.

Then I found a shiny 2003 penny. Head-up.
Just sitting there like an affirmation of my smile.

Somehow six words and a penny made my day.

posted by Sonja at 12:36 PM

Thursday, October 09, 2003

I will read your college books for you if you buy me the Scary-go-round POWERFUL COMBO DEAL.

That would be tupping fantastic.

The tea towel would, however, be appreciated nearly as much.
posted by Sonja at 4:40 PM

I am eating the meanest c-cup peach in the world. It's huge and I've been dying and dying to eat it and it didn't want to open up! That was sooo not cool.
I eventually got a knife and cut all around along the indent.
But it didn't work.
So I just bit into it apple-style. Because I really wanted something to eat before I tried yoga. I had about half. Did some yoga. And now I'm eating the rest and I feel all noodly.

posted by Sonja at 1:37 PM

Sea Monkey Orgy
posted by Sonja at 12:43 PM

remember me?

i am
The current mood of purplesubmarine@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

Sonya/Female/16-20. Lives in United States/California/Duarte/Valley View, speaks English and Greek. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes Writing/Sidestreet Music.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, California, Duarte, Valley View, English, Greek, Sonya, Female, 16-20, Writing, Sidestreet Music.

My Bloginality is ENFP!!!

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Eyes open- Dreams close. They dress- and leave themselves behind. Step out into the day- but try to escape the sun. Read books on being their own person- from inside one cubicle out of hundreds. Say ''I think''- yet spout only popular opinion. Take the same freeway witha thousand other cars- and call it a shortcut. Microwave dinner from a TV tray- in a dish it's a home cooked meal. They sit in bed and wonder why no one knows them for who they really are.